Uniform and equipment


All students must wear the full school uniform, every day, as detailed in the table below.

Uniform PE/Dance Kit
  • Black blazer with school badge
  • White shirt
  • School tie
  • Black socks or tights
  • Black leather or leather-effect shoes – no trainers or trainer-style shoes
  • Black tailored trousers   OR
  • Knee-length black pleated skirt   OR
  • Black tailored shorts
  • Cold weather: dark coloured coat without large logos
  • Optional: black jumper with school badge
  • Everest PE top
  • Plain blue or black shorts (no stripes, pattern or logos)   OR
  • Plain blue or black sports leggings   OR
  • Plain blue or black jogging bottoms (no patterns, stripes or logos)
  • Sports trainers
  • Shin pads/gum shield
  • Long hair tied back
  • Jewellery removed

Students are expected to always wear the correct uniform (other than specified non-school uniform days) while:

  • On the school premises
  • Travelling to and from school
  • At out-of-school events or on trips that are organised by the school, or where they are representing the school (if required)

Blazers and ties must be worn at all times, top shirt buttons must be done up and shirts must be tucked into trousers, skirts or shorts.

Skirts should be worn on or below the knee, the waistband should be worn at the waist and must not be rolled over. Plain black trousers should be straight-legged, regular-fit or tailored-fit, and should reach ankle length or slightly below. Skinny-fit, tight-fit, jogging bottoms, jeans or legging-style trousers are not permitted.

PE kit should be worn in all practical PE or dance lessons, even when the child may be unable to participate in all practical activities. This is to ensure that students can still engage with the curriculum.

The blazer, school tie and PE kit are all available from Stitch Design, and the pleated skirt and black jumper are available from Marks and Spencer. Skoolkit supply our Everest branded dance leggings. (Please see website links below)

Parents and carers are expected to make sure their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that every item is:

  • Clean
  • Clearly labelled with the child’s name
  • In good condition 

Staff will closely monitor students to make sure they are in correct uniform. They will give any students and families breaching the uniform policy the opportunity to comply, but will follow up with the headteacher if the situation doesn’t improve. Ongoing breaches of our uniform policy will be dealt with in accordance with Everest Community Academy’s Relationships and Behaviour Policy.

The school will make the final decision on what is or is not acceptable uniform.  

Piercings, hairstyles and accessories

Permitted accessories:

  • One watch (must be removed for school/public exams and practical lessons)
  • One pair of small plain metal studs/sleepers, one worn in each earlobe only
  • A single, small ring on one finger
  • Subtle foundation is permitted
  • A clear retainer for one existing nose piercing
  • Plain black leather belt without obvious logos or branding

The following are not permitted:

  • Make-up (except subtle foundation)
  • Fake tan
  • False eyelashes
  • False nails/nail varnish
  • Hair extensions
  • Additional ear piercings
  • Nose/lip/brow/body/mouth piercings
  • Other visible jewellery, including necklaces/bracelets


  • No extremes of style or colour are permitted
  • Hair can only be dyed to reflect natural colours
  • Hair extensions and hair sprays, which can be flammable, are not permitted

Please note, from September, we will no longer be able to lend missing items of uniform. In the event that you are unable to provide a particular piece or pieces of uniform, please contact Miss Freed, who may be able to provide some support with this.


Links to uniform websites:


Everest Community Academy (mandsyourschooluniform.com)


Stitch Design





In addition to the uniform expectations detailed above, students are required to bring the following equipment to school every day:

  • School bag - Children must bring a bag to school every day. This bag should be big enough to comfortably carry a number of A4 size exercise books and their every-day school equipment.
  • Pencil case
  • Handwriting pens - blue/black
  • Highlighters
  • Non-shatter ruler
  • Pencils - preferably B, HB, 2H
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Colouring pencils
  • Eraser
  • Refillable water bottle

Mobile Phones

Everest Community Academy is a mobile phone-free zone for students during the school day between 8.30am and 2.40pm. Students’ mobile phones must be switched off and placed in bags or lockers throughout the school day. Students may use their phones before and after school. The school does not accept any liability for mobile phones that are lost, stolen or damaged. Any student who uses their mobile phone during the school day will have it confiscated for the rest of the day. On the third occasion that this happens in a half term, parents/carers will be contacted to collect it.

To support this, we would also request that you do not communicate directly with your child by mobile phone during the school day. Should you need to get a message to your child, please contact the school office and they will be happy to pass on any information on your behalf.

Please click here for our uniform policy.

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