
Future Ready

Everest Community Academy believes in fostering the skills and motivation that our students possess to be Future Ready. We are committed to ensuring that all our students are well equipped by the time they leave Everest for the next steps in their life. Learning at Everest enables our young people to have not only excellent academic outcomes, but also to confidently take up their place in the wider world. We strive to raise students’ aspirations and promote awareness of a wide range of career pathways, helping them to make well-informed choices about their future. Students will leave our school knowing that their time at Everest has given them the tools they need for the next stage in their life. This means excellent outcomes, strong values, a sense of their own worth and an aspiration to succeed, whatever form that takes.

Our Future Ready programme is delivered through the curriculum and as an individualised programme. Additionally, we work alongside the University of Winchester, Southern Universities Network, Basingstoke Consortium and local businesses, who provide ongoing and personalised guidance and experiences to students in all year groups. Our aim as a school is to give our students the experiences they deserve in regards to careers, universities and life skills. We are highly aspirational for our students and as a school, we talk about the “when” and not the “if”.

Governors commit to ensure that all students leave Everest Community Academy excited by their prospects for the future, with many choices and options open to them.  Governors will support our students in many ways to ensure they are informed and prepared to seek, recognise and achieve outstanding opportunities.

Contact our careers lead: Mr Messingham

Telephone number to contact Mr Messingham: 01256 961330

To view our careers policy please click here

Please click on the relevant section below for more information:

Careers Programme

Click here to see the careers programme and how Gatsby Benchmarks are mapped across Years 7-11.

Click here to see how careers is linked to our curriculum at Everest.

Career Subject Guides 

Career Subject Guides

Careers Guidance: Basingstoke ConsortiumBasingstoke Consortium and EBP South Logo

Everest works closely with the Basingstoke Consortium an organisation that supports Everest in offering a variety of activities for the students as well as 1:1 careers advice with our excellent and highly experienced careers advisor, Gwen Provost. Work experience is also offered to students to expand their knowledge and give them the opportunity to experience a place of work. The Consortium pride themselves on offering bespoke and engaging careers opportunities for the students at Everest.

We have also partnered with Enterprise M3 LEP and the Careers Enterprise Company, to work directly with an Enterprise Advisor, someone who works in business and offers the school support and opportunities for young people in the world of technology.

Learning Journey Curriculum Map

Next steps

Next steps beyond Everest 



Entry Requirements

Length of study

Further Information


Apprenticeships enable you to combine practical on-the-job skills training with off-the-job learning. There are different levels of apprenticeships to suit everyone and the training you receive will be relevant to your job. You will be paid a salary.  

Will be dependent on the industry, job role and apprenticeship level 

A minimum of a year 


A Levels

Typically, you choose 3 subjects which you may have already taken for GCSE (in which case you will look at these in a higher level) or new subjects that you have not studied before.  

Typically, 5 GCSEs Grade 9-4 (usually including English and maths) 

2 years 

Understand what A-levels are & what you can do with them ( 

T Levels

T levels combine real work placements with classroom learning. One T Level is equivalent to 3 A levels. They are developed in collaboration with employers to equip you with the skills and knowledge to get on in the workplace.  

Course dependent 

2 years 

T Levels for students | T Levels 

Applied Qualifications

Applied qualifications are a mix of practical skills and classroom-based learning. They provide you with a broad overview of working in a specific sector. 

Course dependent 

Course dependent 

AQA | Applied General qualifications 


Traineeships provide you with a course which includes work experience to enable you to prepare for an apprenticeship or a job. You can also improve your maths and English skills.

You need to be aged between 16 to 24 or up to 25 with an Education Health and Care Planwith no higher than a level 3 qualification 

6 weeks to 1 year 

Find a traineeship - GOV.UK ( 

Technical / vocational qualifications 

These courses teach you the practical skills and knowledge specifically related to the area of employment you want to go into. 

Course dependent  1 or more years  Speak to your local college or training provider 

Useful links

A-Z of Careers

Government Apprenticeships

National Careers Service

Work Experience Opportunities


Rate my apprenticeship

​Department for Education Post-16 Choices Animation - YouTube 

Colleges and Universities

Measuring Impact

Everest Governing Body: Measuring Impact

Our future Ready programme is based on the Gatsby Benchmarks as recommended in the DfE’s Careers Strategy (December 2017) and the Statutory Guidance for Careers (January 2018).

The 8 Benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

In order to assess the impact of our careers programme, we use Compass+.

Working with you - information for employers

Working with you

We know that we have a huge wealth of experience in our parent body and local community who could offer to support our students into different career pathways.

If you are a business in the local area and would like to work with our school then please contact Dr Richards, our Careers Lead, on 01256 961330.

Provider Access Statement


Labour Market Information

Resources for teachers

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