
Reporting a Concern

If you are concerned about a child, you must share your concerns without delay, please contact us on 01256 961330, alternatively you can email one of our Safeguarding Leads. Outside of school hours please call 999.

Out of Hours Safeguarding

Key Safeguarding Personnel

Safeguarding Lead - Paul Jackson

Safeguarding Lead - Caroline Hams

Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Jack Ward, Kerry Elkington

Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After children - Paula Bentham

The Governors and staff of Everest School fully recognise the contribution they make to safeguarding children. We recognise that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting our students from harm.

All staff and governors recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children through a culture of vigilance from all staff. Our staff code of conduct makes it clear that we expect the highest standards of care and support for all students. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where students feel secure, are listened to and are safe, as well as feeling respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.

Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy


  • The school will ensure that the welfare of children is given paramount consideration when developing and delivering all school activity
  • All children, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection
  •  All staff have an equal responsibility to act on any suspicion or disclosure that may suggest a child is at risk of harm in accordance with this guidance including risks of radicalisation and sexual exploitation
  • All pupils and staff involved in child protection issues will receive appropriate support from the senior leadership of the school who will follow this policy guidance in doing so
  • We believe that everyone who comes into contact with young people and their families has a role to play in safeguarding them.

Online and Internet safety at home

The resources and information below can be used to support families with internet use and safety at home. 

Use Parental Controls to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC

Tips for young people to stay safe online - Staying safe online | Childline

Further support

In times of crisis or if needing further support, please find some useful links and information:

Safeguarding logos

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